Valerie Jones

{Live with Purpose. Lead with Passion.}

I am a blogger, worship leader, and speaker who helps worship leaders and team members connect with purpose and passion in life and leadership by offering encouragement, community, and practical resources so that they can thrive in life and leadership, both on and off the platform.

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Filtering by Category: Write 31 Days

{You | Day 6 of 31}

Ready? Go.

I love the scene that unfolds on the pages of Scripture near the end of John 3. Jesus and John were both baptizing new believers. Someone comes to John with a concern about the increasing popularity of Jesus. He’s basically asking why more and more people go to Jesus instead of coming to John to be baptized. I hear more of a “What’s up with that?” kind of tone. I so love what John modeled for us next. He graciously and humbly reminded his friend that everything he was doing and had done in his ministry was meant to point to Jesus. And then, this: "He must become greater; I must become less.”  Just, wow. 

I wonder what would happen in our lives if we postured our hearts to live in that space? What if every single day we prayed "more of You, less of me”? What if we invited Him to be the lead story in every area of our life? It’s one of those scary kind of prayers. You know, the kind that might hurt a little as He begins to work on us. But, I believe it’s the kind of prayer that He’ll always answer with a yes. Because, here’s the thing: it was always meant to be about Him anyway. It’s not about us, though pride would have us believe otherwise. So, I’m sitting in my favorite chair, whispering this prayer even as I type: Lord, let it always be You.


{Silence | Day 5 of 31}

Day 5 {Silence}

Ready? Go.

I’ve always appreciated the silence. Maybe that has something to do with my introverted tendencies. Yeah, there’s that. I used to think of silence as the absence of something, like noise and/or activity. But, it’s really more than that. Silence creates space. In our daily routines, silence creates space for rest. In our conversations, it creates space for listening. I’m all about creating space these days. I find that my heart and soul crave room to breathe. 

It’s funny, isn’t it? In the silence you hear things you might otherwise have missed. I find that particularly true in my prayer times. See, there are times when I run out of words. The Lord has graciously reminded me again and again that I don’t have to always have words to fill the silence.  But you know what? He hears the cry of my heart when my words won’t do. He knows me. Some of my most beautiful and meaningful moments have been wrapped in the silence and stillness that comes just from being in His presence. Not saying a word. Just being with Him. Kneeling down. Setting my heart and mind on Him. Meditating on His word. Remembering who He is and what He’s done. When I grab hold of Him like that, words don’t really cut it anyway. That kind of silence creates space for awe and wonder. I never want to lose that. I never want to get over Jesus. I never want to become bored with the truth that the Creator of all things knows my name. Yours, too. And He loves us with an everlasting love. Go ahead. Find a quiet place and just let that sink in. 


{Brew | Day 4 of 31}

I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Five Minute Friday writing community. So, I decided to join the 31 day writing challenge. If you aren’t familiar, Five Minute Friday means unplanned, unedited, straight-from-the-heart-to-the-paper writing. Yep, you write whatever comes out based on a prompt you're given - five minutes flat.

So…here’s to the Write 31 Days challenge,  five-minute Friday style! I'm all in, and I'm glad you stopped by. I hope at the end of the 31 days, I have a collection of posts that encourage you while at the same time stir something deep in your soul. At the very least, perhaps we can be reminded that we aren’t alone.  

Day 4 {BREW}.

Ready? Go.

What, now? Brew. The first thing that comes to this blocked mind is hot tea. It's not-so-good-tasting tap water, boiling hot, plus a tea bag . And, magic. Ok, it’s not really magic. But, as the tea steeps or brews, that not-so-good-tasting tap water, smells glorious and tastes divine. Y’all know how to make tea, I’m sure. So, I’m not telling you anything, but I do love the picture in my mind’s eye. Have you ever watched a cup of hot tea steep? No, just me then. It’s not instantaneous. You have to fully immerse the tea bag and let the hot water go to work. If you take it out too quickly, you have funny tasting water or, best-case, weak tasting tea. 

Could we draw a parallel to life with Jesus, life in the Spirit? Are we being changed from our old selves into mature Jesus-followers the longer we walk with Him? Do we immerse ourselves in the Word, in worship, in prayer, In His presence to the point that it transforms us? Oh, how I want to be that kind of girl. I want to be all about Jesus. I want everything I do to be for His glory. The beauty of it is that when we ask Him to go to work changing us, He will. With strong but gracious hands and an unyielding love, He make us new. He doesn’t want to leave us the same as found us. For that, I am thankful.


{Wardrobe | Day 3 of 31}

I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Five Minute Friday writing community. So, I decided to join the 31 day writing challenge. If you aren’t familiar, Five Minute Friday means unplanned, unedited, straight-from-the-heart-to-the-paper writing. Yep, you write whatever comes out based on a prompt you're given - five minutes flat.

So…here’s to the Write 31 Days challenge,  five-minute Friday style! I'm all in, and I'm glad you stopped by. I hope at the end of the 31 days, I have a collection of posts that encourage you while at the same time stir something deep in your soul. At the very least, perhaps we can be reminded that we aren’t alone.  


Ready? Go.

Put on love. That’s how the apostle Paul says it in scripture. This bit of instruction comes just after he explains how we’re to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 

It matters what we’re putting on, how we wear the label Christian. Are you wearing it well? Some days, I miss the mark in at least one of these areas. But, over all these, Paul says, wear love. Let love be the overriding theme in all your dealings. Let love be the thing that compels you. Always. Above all.  It looks something like this for me.

Why do you strive to show compassion to others? Because, love.  

Why act with kindness? Because, love.  

Why walk in humility? Because, love.

Why worry with gentleness? Because, love.

Why practice patience? Because, love. 

Do I always get it right? Absolutely not. But, love covers those missteps and mess-ups when it’s the thing that motivates. May I make a distinction here? Love doesn’t do hoping to get something in return. That’s not love at all, that’s manipulation. Love does, because it can. Love does because, well, Jesus. 

God demonstrated lavish love for the world by sending Jesus to die for our sins while we were still sinners, before we believed in Him, before we loved Him back. And because He loved like that, we can love, too. We can put on love and wear it well so that people will know we belong to Jesus. Isn't that what this is all about? Yes, I'd say so.


{Paint | Day 2 of 31}

I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Five Minute Friday writing community. So, I decided to join the 31 day writing challenge. If you aren’t familiar, Five Minute Friday means unplanned, unedited, straight-from-the-heart-to-the-paper writing. Yep, you write whatever comes out based on a prompt you're given - five minutes flat.

So…here’s to the Write 31 Days challenge,  five-minute Friday style! I'm all in, and I'm glad you stopped by. I hope at the end of the 31 days, I have a collection of posts that encourage you while at the same time stir something deep in your soul. At the very least, perhaps we can be reminded that we aren’t alone.  

Day 2 {PAINT}.

Ready? Go.

I’m creative, but drawing and painting have never been my strength. A few days ago, I was drawing a vowel chart for our home school lesson, and my sweet, painfully honest,  four-year-old said, “Mommy, that’s a very bad ostrich and elephant.” My drawing was mildly recognizable, just not a good representation. That’s fair. If only I had access to painter. I would have gladly handed the job over. 

It reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures: "For we our God’s masterpiece. He created anew in Christ Jesus so we could do good things planned for us long ago.” I’m constantly telling my girls and reminding myself that God knows how to make us the very best version of ourselves. I love that.

The same God who’s painted the canvas of creation with breathtaking grandeur, calls you and me His masterpieces. I find a great deal of comfort and grace in that. On those days, when I’m feeling less than, He’s still working, carefully and meticulously creating something beautiful and breathtaking out of my life. And, He knows what He’s doing. Things get a bit messy, I suppose, when I grab my paintbrush and interfere with His work.  See, He knows what to do next because He knows what the finished product looks like. And guess what? He sees the finished product even now when He looks at us. He sees our potential. He sees breathtaking beauty. His masterpiece.

May I encourage you today, sweet friends? You are beloved by the Creator of the Universe. He is making something most beautiful from your life. Let Him paint.