Valerie Jones

{Live with Purpose. Lead with Passion.}

I am a blogger, worship leader, and speaker who helps worship leaders and team members connect with purpose and passion in life and leadership by offering encouragement, community, and practical resources so that they can thrive in life and leadership, both on and off the platform.

Thanks for stopping by!

{Five Minute Friday | Enjoy}

It's Five Minute Friday. That means unplanned, unedited, straight-from-the-heart-to-the-paper writing. Yep, you just write whatever comes out based on a word you're given. If you have five minutes, you should give it a try!  Find out how here.

This week the prompt is {ENJOY}.

Ready? GO.

I get super-excited about Fall. Some of my favorite things are wrapped up in this season: colorful leaves, crisp morning air, pumpkin-spice everything, firepits, s'mores, turkey, family, football, boots, flannel shirts, cute scarves. Are you smiling? I mean, what girl doesn't feel like she can conquer the world in her favorite pair of blue jeans, a great flannel shirt, and a perfect pair of boots, pumpkin-spice latte in hand. It's my most favorite time of year, lots of things to enjoy.  

But, wait.

I'm quick to remember a time when there was less to enjoy and more to grieve.  When you suffer an incredible loss, pain tries to hijack everything you love about your favorite time year. Stumbling through the holidays grappling with grief and loss is no fun. But, I suppose you find a way to enjoy bits and pieces. You learn to hold grief and gratitude in a kind of healthy tension -- enjoying the moments right in front of you while at the same time remembering those moments that forever changed you.

And then, there's Jesus. My heart will be forever grateful for His unfailing love and faithfulness. He heals and redeems even the most painful moments, eventually, that is. And then, you find gratitude in the midst of your grieving.

Maybe you're still waiting. Perhaps for you, the pain left in the wake of loss is still quite raw. Don't lose hope.  I'm praying for you today. I'm asking God to remind you of His goodness and His nearness. I'm trusting that He will soothe your aching heart by reminding you of His unfailing love.  He sees you.


{Five Minute Friday | Common}

It's Five Minute Friday. That means unplanned, unedited, straight-from-the-heart-to-the-paper writing. Yep, you just write whatever comes out based on a word you're given. If you have five minutes, you should give it a try!  Find out how here.

This week the prompt is {COMMON}.

Ready? GO.

My heart is heavy this week. I can't quite wrap my words around it. There's fear, uncertainty, outrage, and hatred. The division is deep and wide. It makes me sad.

It's common these days for people to feel despised, condemned, overlooked by fellow Americans, by brothers and sisters in Christ. I suppose it's not new. We have to pay attention.

We are in this together. Being in this together,  however,  doesn't mean we get to disregard what someone else may be feeling or thinking or experiencing. We have to listen. We have to try to understand.

Isn't it time we make it our responsibility to reach across the lines that so deeply divide and show the world what it means to love others and serve others despite race, economic status, gender, and sexual orientation? Can't we have some honest evaluation and look at where we are contributing to the problem rather than being part of the solution? You know, our hope was never meant to rest on a man or a political system. Only God can heal our land. I suppose He wants to use His church and the power of the gospel of Christ to do that. It's on us.

I can't pretend that I know what this kind of thing looks like in practical terms. But, I think it starts with listening. And when we listen, perhaps we can find common ground.



{Only | Day 31 of 31}

Ready? Go.

I've decided I'm not going to be an "if only . . . " kind of girl. You know what I mean, right? I'm going to stop saying things like this:

If only I had . . .
If only he/she had . . .
If only it had . . .
If only the situation had worked out differently.

I'm all for contemplation and reflection. You'll never hear me discourage good, old-fashioned introspection and a healthy dose of self-awareness. It's just that I don't want to hang on to the "what if's and if only's." Tomorrow is new. Fresh mercy. A new measure of grace. There's more to come. We have hope. Yeah, hope.

So, I'd rather be the kind of gal who says things like this:

Yes, but God says . . .
Even still, because of Jesus . . .
Even still, Scripture says . . .
I see what happened, but so does He.

I belong to Him. And so, the what-ifs and if-onlys are His, too. And, He sees the big picture. No, wait, He's writing the story. I love that. Can you hear me breathing a sigh of relief?




{Cut | Day 30 of 31}

Ready? Go.

Confession: I don't come close to having it all together. I struggle to get all my chores done. Sometimes, I fuss at the kids way too much. My faith is too often flimsy. Every single day I mess up in one way or another. Were it not for God's life-giving grace! It fills in the gaps between my feeble attempts at righteous living and God's standard for righteousness.
But I do try. I do work at it. There is too much noise. Too many voices. All I want is His voice. All that matters is His truth. All I want is to love Him with all that I am. I can't do that without asking for His help. That's it.

In Old Testament scripture, circumcision was a sign of God's covenant with Abraham. Scripture also speaks of a circumcision of the heart in Deuteronomy 30:6. Here's what it says: The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live.  So, my prayer lately has been simple.

God, cut away everything in my heart that is not of You.

There's something wildly beautiful about placing your heart in the hands of the Almighty and asking Him to do whatever He needs to do so that you can love Him with all your heart and soul. It implies trust. It means being vulnerable. It requires saying, I never will get it right without His help.



{Date | Day 29 of 31}

Ready? Go.

Some days you never forget. The date is etched in your heart and mind long after it has passed. The memories attached are sometimes sweet, sometimes not. Yeah, I have a catalog of those kinds of dates.  It's good to remember. I've found over time, as God works things out in me, those dates that represented pain come to mean something more than that. He does turn mourning to joy, after all. Yesterday, I added a new date to my catalog.

Julia, my four-year-old, was playing in her room. I was using the restroom, her big sister was in the shower, her big brother visiting a friend, and her dad was working at his desk. I heard her running down the hallway, and before I knew it, the bathroom door flew open. She was standing there, tears streaming down her face, looking utterly terrified. “I swallowed a penny,” she stammered and then she started getting sick. She turned around and ran offto find her Dad. Besides being indisposed, I must have looked a bit afraid. I gathered myself and headed down to find her. I’m not going to tell you that I wasn’t a bit of a mess. The tears filled my eyes and about the same time, my stomach started doing somersaults. I couldn’t find my words, but managed to squeak out a one-word plea toward heaven. My mind has a nasty habit of immediately taking me to the worst-case scenario when something like this happens. 

I made it downstairs and saw my little one standing on a towel, bent over, heaving and vomiting. Here dad was with her. I turned right back around, more tears, and lost my breakfast in the stairway. On my hands and knees, I had to remind myself to keep it together. The conversation in my head went something like this: Come on, Valerie. Don't you know who you belong to. Stop it. Ask for His help. I managed to squeak out another prayer. “God, please help her.”

About that time, I heard Julia. “There it is, I got it out.” She was pointing at a quarter lying in the mess on the towel. A quarter. That’s quite a bit bigger than a penny. I found a seat on the steps and she hopped into my lap. We were both covered in stuff I’d rather not discuss. Thank. You. God. I said it over and over again. 

This morning, Julia climbed up beside me in bed and we had a chat. She was feeling fine; she explained that her throat wasn’t hurting today. I asked her if she understood that God helped her when she swallowed that quarter. She shook her head and told me, “I was talking to Him in my head. I couldn’t talk out loud because I was throwing up.” I reminded her that we needed to thank God for keeping her safe and helping her.

A few minutes later she was chatting with her Dad. She was holding up a quarter. She thought it was THE quarter. (I don’t know how in the world she had another quarter.) “Daddy, this is the quarter. I swallowed it and God reached down and pulled it out of my tummy.” “I was asking Him in my head, and He did.” 

Yes. He absolutely did.