{Weekend | Day 20 of 31}
How about another list? Yes. Great! 20 Things I love to do on the weekend. Not all twenty, every weekend. But at least a few make the cut every weekend.
- Sleep in. (You know, 9:30ish.)
- Read a book.
- Go to the park with the kiddos.
- Sit on the deck and stare at the trees.
- Plan for the following week.
- Do a little writing.
- Peruse blogs I follow.
- Netflix a movie.
- Stay up late and fall asleep on the sofa with my hubby.
- Clean the house.
- Eat out.
- Visit with friends/family.
- Play.
- Take a short road trip. (Usually involving volleyball)
- Go window shopping.
- DIY projects. (Which usually requires a trip to Lowes or Hobby Lobby. Yay!)
- Sit at the piano. Play. Sing. Play some more, without playing anything in particular.
- Blast worship music in the house while we cook/clean. (That's not specific to weekends!)
- Go to small group which, for the time being, is church for me.
- Take a nap.
I suppose I appreciate those weekends that settle into rhythm at a slowed pace. You know how I like space to breathe. What are your favorite things to do on the weekend?